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12 Known Ways to Restrict Data Consumption on Android devices

Android smartphones are a great way to access the web, services on the move and a whole lot of Apps are available for this platform. However, the devices also allows apps and websites consume voluptuous data, leaving you with not long data plans and hefty bills by the end of the month, which to be sincere, one cannot avoid dipping hand into pockets for such situations because most smartphones are of no relevant use without internet data plan enabled on them.

12 Known Ways to Restrict Data Consumption on Android devices

However, unlimited Data plans have seemingly disappeared and are no more available for android. And android users are left with limited data plan usage. Notwithstanding, you can exercise some control over your usage. Despite all this android users can still jolly up, due to mediums available for restricting large chunk of your data plan after doing and going through some necessary settings. Let’s take a look at ways to reduce data usage can be reduced on your android phones.

12 Known Ways to Restrict Data Consumption on Android devices

1. Turn Of Mobile Data When Not In Use
At some certain period when our phones are not being used, the best thing that reduce data consumption and increase battery life is turning off the mobile data. For android users, the fastest way of doing this is simply by dragging down the notification panel from the top of your home screen and then turning of your mobile data. This should be done when one is not expecting any important messages cause there would be no mail update and social network notifications coming in until it’s been turned on back.

2. Restrict Background Data
Most apps keep running in the background and keeps Sucking on mobile data without the awareness of the phone users, to make this movement static, one can only just restrict the background data. After the restriction, it is only apps called into use that will be performing, so it is mostly advisable for people who doesn’t use too much apps on their phone and those with data plan about to be exceeded, the restricting option will limit data consumption before the data plan runs out.

To do this, go to SETTINGS > tap on DATA USAGE > tap on the right hand OPTION > and then tap on RESTRICT BACKGROUND DATA.

3. Download Big Files And Update Apps Via WI-FI
Downloading and update of Apps and software should be done when a Wi-Fi connection is available as against using mobile data plans, so as reduce the consumption of data plan and it somehow not even advisable to do. Only if the need arises that’s when one can do such.

To stop auto-updating by mobile data and enhance that of Wi-Fi, go to GOOGLE PLAY STORE > a MENU Will pop out > tap on SETTINGS > tap on AUTO UPDATES OF APPS > then choose AUTO-UPDATE OF APPS WITH WI-FI ONLY.

4. Preload Heavy Content
Whenever you are connected to a Wi-Fi, it is advisable to download contents that are called Preloads for later view or use on the go. Preloading content saves you a lot from data consumption; GOOGLE maps and Youtube allows preloading.

5. Keep Tabs On Data Usage
You can do this by going to SETTINGS > DATA USAGE in other to keep tabs on how your data us being used and the remaining ones left.

6. Prepare Maps For Offline Use
Using your map on an offline mode is a better way that saves a lot of mobile data, you can download or save an area in G-maps so as to reduce less data usage when navigating to your destination, this doesn’t just only safe you from consumption of large mobile data, it also improves one’s experience and guard against low reception area when travelling. You can save maps for offline use through the below steps

  • Type OK maps in the search bar and tap ENTER Or use voice control.
  • Tap the search bar and scroll to the bottom of the page, select “make this map area available offline.

7. Make Use Of Data Compression
Downloading apps that compress data will reduce the data requires quantity of videos, photos and audios. And also enhancing faster connection and retrieval of information from the web. Instagram and flipboard users will greatly benefit from this data saving app. Some of the data saving apps like Onavo extend and Opera Max could be downloaded from Google Playstore.

8. Modify The Sync Account Settings
Turning off the sync is a better deal. All apps by default comes with sync option, apps like Facebook, Email, Twitter, Google account etc. Should be sync off, what sync does is to refresh most times to get updated instantly and therefore this consumes lots of data underneath without user’s knowledge. A manual refresh option is advisable to be selected and all sync options should be turned off.

To modify the sync account settings, go to SETTINGS > ACCOUNTS > you get to see the options – GOOGLE > FACEBOOK > BBM > WHATSAPP for those who have it all. Just tap on them to set the sync option off and for other apps not listed there go to the apps and settings and modify the sync option there.

NB: For those users who depend on the auto sync of all account, rather go through the procedure written above. You can always switch It on and off through the following process, go to SETTINGS > tap on DATA USAGE > tap on the right hand OPTION > then Un-check the Auto-Sync data. You can switch It back on whether you need it again by going through the same process.

9. Don’t Clear Your Cache
There might have been Arguments against not clearing of cache due to security and storage issues with android phones. But on the other end, one must remember that the cache is a component for storing data and getting it ready when the data is being required for used by the browser allowing faster data recovering and not waiting to fetched from the web server where it was originally sourced.

NB: If need be clear your caches, it doesn’t harm your device in any way.

10. Change Your Browser and Use the Mobile Version of Websites
The default browser of android phones are nothing but agents of data consumption especially to users that surf the web always. Android default browser are browsers that came along with the device. that which display content like when surfing and browsing on PC’S or laptops. It definitely has a visual advantage but no lies it is heavily consuming your mobile data. The best solution is to download browsers which compress data like Opera Mini, Dolphin, UCweb and so on .

These apps are more preferable in minimising data usage at the same visual quality cause they compress web pages into kilobytes. And also not forgetting to always surf websites through their mobile versions so as to reduce data consumption.

11. Set a Mobile Data Limit
All android smartphone users have a provided medium of placing arbitrary limitation on mobile data. This prevents any app from using data connection and making them rely on Wi-Fi instead.

To go about this click on SETTINGS > tap on DATA USAGE > Select SET MOBILE DATA LIMIT, once it’s on, you can modify your limit in the data usage chart below the mobile data limit toggle. Use the drag thumb on the right hand side of the chart to set your data limit.

12. Modify Your Google Chrome
Google chrome is an application that consumes lot of mobile data from those who don’t actually know how to use it. Through the bandwidth management option created by Google, you can modify your Chrome from consuming less data usage.

To go about this, go to the GOOGLE CHROME MENU > tap on SETTINGS (ADVANCED) bandwidth management > select Reduce data usage and you are good to go.

Extra – Disable Facebook Auto-Play Video
There has been a Facebook feature around lately that enhance automatic playing of videos in your newsfeed regardless of if you wanted to or not and this streaming also sucks data consumption a lot. To turn off this auto-play, go to the left NAVIGATION MENU PANEL > tap on APP SETTINGS (General settings) > tap on AUTO-PLAY VIDEOS ON WI-FI ONLY to enable it so as to reduce data syphoning.

Well these are the known ways I have know and have used to drastically reduce unnecessary data consumption on my Android device. Are there other ways you know or suggest let us know through the comment box below. Stay tuned and keep refreshing TGF for my next tutorial. CIAO

Taiwo 'LordTeeno' Nurudeen is a full fledged Graduate of International Relations and Political science, Lyricist  and Avid Reader. Aspired to be a Rapper and ended up an accomplished writer. Connect with me on social media - Twitter, Facebook, Google + and on Instagram

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