5 Apps That Can Help You Succeed in Life
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5 Apps That Can Help You Succeed in Life

Nowadays, there is an app for everything — from social media and games to entertainment and productivity. So, it comes as no surprise that Small Biz Daily predicts that the mobile app industry will generate at least $935 billion in revenue by 2023. After all, there are more than 3 million apps on the Apple Store and Google Play Store combined — and this number continues to grow every day. While majority of the apps provide entertainment and ways to kill time, there are also some that can help you get your life back on track!

5 Apps That Can Help You Succeed in Life

Here are a few suggestions to check out:


It can be hard to keep track of everything you need to do, especially when juggling multiple projects and your own personal life. Fortunately, organisation apps — like calendars, schedulers, and to-do list tools — can help you stay on top of things. ‘Sunrise’ is a great calendar manager that combines all your calendars across different platforms. It also consolidates reminders from apps like Evernote and GitHub. That way, you only need to look in one place to see your entire agenda. Meanwhile, note-taking app Evernote lets you store various documents — like notes, voice recordings, pictures, and bookmarks. Again, having all essential files in one place ensures you do not miss a beat or get too overwhelmed.

Money and budgeting

Personal financial management is something everyone needs to learn at one point. Not only does it ensure you do not overspend, but it prevents you from building up too much debt. In this regard, You Need A Budget (YNAB) is helpful as it connects to your bank accounts and credit cards to track spending across various categories — like bills, groceries, and hobbies.

Meanwhile, the Petal Card App provides users with an overview of their current budget, upcoming payments, and even cash back opportunities, among others. It lets you plan out your budget at the start of the month and track your spending against it. Plus, you can even note your current subscription expenses, so you know whether you are making the most of them or not! You will never have to wonder where your money went again.

5 Apps That Can Help You Succeed in Life

Health and wellness

Wellness apps do not magically turn you into a fitter or healthier person — but they sure help by making it easier for you to reach your health goals. Whether you need exercise tips, healthy recipes, or mood-tracking — there is an app for that. If you want to monitor your emotions and recognise patterns in behaviour, ‘My Possible Self’ is an app that comes with self-help modules to help you cope with anxiety and other stressors. For those looking for recipes, Deliciously Ella gives you at least 300 plant-based recipes you can try. It also tracks diet, exercise, sleep, and water consumption. Having apps of this kind is a good way to stay motivated.


If you are easily distracted or just need to improve your focus, focus apps might be the push you need. These apps have features like timers, site blockers, and background noise. Focus Keeper, for instance, is a timer that uses the Pomodoro technique and tracks productivity as well. Meanwhile, if you want to avoid temptation to browse social media, Freedom lets you block certain websites. This way, you will be less distracted and can commit fully to your work.

Job search

Job searching has never been more convenient, thanks to job search apps that both HR recruiters and job hunters use. For example, ‘Jobberman’ is a very popular job portal in Nigeria. Aside from being easy to use, you can find career advice to guide you. LinkedIn is another commonly used app. Not only does it help you find a job, but it also serves as a professional networking app for those looking for collaborators. Consider these platforms next time you are looking for a new job.

Image sources: (1), (2)

Content Creator, Copywriter and Editor-in-Chief.

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