6 Social Media Hacks for Businesses
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6 Social Media Hacks for Businesses

Some businesses take naturally to social media, whereas others can be more of a struggle for others. In particular, highly professional and formal businesses may feel out of place on a vibrant and fun social media feed, but there’s always a way to turn your content into what you need it to be for any platform.

To help with that, here are six social media hacks for businesses:

1. Understand How to Use Each Platform
Not all social media platforms are the same. You might think that you can have the same business profile across all platforms with identical content, but this won’t be very effective for your presence or marketing. Each platform will expect a different kind of content and tone from you, which means users of each platform will expect the same.  This means having a social media plan for each platform so that you can plan out your content will be a huge benefit.

As a general rule:

  • Instagram: Heavily focused on images and media. Try eye-catching photos or posts, which you can then build upon with your descriptive text. Tone can be informal or more formal, depending on the subject matter.
  • Twitter: Concise and short information, with photos or media posting. There is a character limit for Tweets, meaning you’ll have to think carefully about how to make your posts as succinct as possible. Regular tweets throughout the day are a good idea.
  • Facebook: A mixture of text and images. The opportunity to go into more detail with your posts, with larger blocks of text. Use Facebook to your advantage by using lots of links, such as links to your website or campaigns, and connect with other businesses.
  • LinkedIn: More focus on professional and business. While still a social site, this focuses more on business content and business connections.

2. Find Out Which Platform Your Consumers are Using
You might think that having high-quality content across all platforms will give you a better chance of making a sale, and while it’s certainly a positive to have an increased presence, it doesn’t mean you’re connecting with your target market. Research into your consumers is key to finding out which social media platforms they are using and when.

You may have posted a highly detailed and engaging post to Facebook, but if your target market predominantly uses Instagram, it might not be hitting its mark. Therefore, take the time to find out how your target market is interacting with social media and tailor it.

6 Social Media Hacks for Businesses

3. Use a Professional Agency Who Can Help

Social media can be very overwhelming, even for those businesses which are used to dealing with it. That’s why it will always be beneficial to gain professional advice from companies who can help or who can take care of your social media design and strategy for you. Seeking support, like from one of the best web design companies, ALT Agency means you can stay on track with your social media strategy and drive those results.

4. Be Active with Communication
Being active on social media isn’t just about posting content and then failing to respond to any reaction. To build a positive rapport with your target market, responding to comments and messages will help. It might not always be possible (or a good use of your time) to respond to absolutely everything, but simple interactions can be a big help.

You could give a ‘like’ to any comments or interactions, even if you can’t type a detailed reply, or you could post a general message to all, such as ‘thank you to everyone who wrote a comment on our last post’. Showing that you’re acknowledging, reading, and listening to any communication will foster a better relationship with your target market.

Read More: Twitter Adds 24-Hour Stories’ Feature Called Fleets

5. Focus on Images and Media
While there’s always an opportunity to provide text and information through social media, you can save large bulks of text for your blog page. If you need to include a lot of written information, try to make sure that it’s alongside an image or media piece. This image can draw the attention of a consumer more easily when they’re scrolling through their home feed. Many consumers won’t stop to read a large piece of text without any corresponding image.
Therefore, planning out your eye-catching images is an essential hack.

6. Plan a Schedule to Make it Easier
Finding the time to post engaging content daily can be nearly impossible if you’re not properly organized. Scheduling tools can make a big difference. You can plan Posts or Tweets ahead of time to be posted throughout the day. This will make sure your social media is covered while you take care of the rest of your business.

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