7 Tips for Taking Amazing Instagram Photos Like A Pro
Social Media

7 Tips For Taking Instagram Photos Like A Pro

Do you frequently post pictures on instagram? Does your posts receive less engagement? Whether your answer is Yes or No, your pictures need to stand out on Instagram to gain a lot of traction. According to statista, the platform currently has more than 1 billion monthly active users (MAUs) globally who regularly upload content. Therefore, you need more than a branded smartphone coupled with interest in photography to stand out.

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Basically, you need to learn a few important tricks as well for capturing the best snaps for Instagram. If you can learn a few essentials such as the principles of capturing and composing a photo, proper use of lighting and so on, there is a high possibility that you will be able to take instagram photos like a pro. Here are some of the tips you need to help you get started.

7 Tips for Taking Amazing Instagram Photos Like A Pro

  • Avoid Taking Photos Through Instagram

It may seem easier to capture photos through the Instagram app, but in actuality, your smartphone’s camera can capture much better photos rather than the application. While you are capturing snaps through the app, it neither allows you to zoom in and nor can you crop it as per your convenience as it comes with default settings. But if you take photos with your smartphone’s camera, you can personalize the whole thing at the time of capturing snaps. Even with your phone’s camera, you can use the HDR functionality as per your wish, whereas you won’t be getting this feature in the Instagram Camera. So, if you want to get more likes and appreciations on Instagram, you have to avoid taking photos through Instagram. Websites like Blast Up, promises to get you lot of likes and active audience.

7 Tips for Taking Amazing Instagram Photos Like A Pro

  • Make Yourself Work Like A Tripod

Photography always requires steadiness in hand; otherwise, you won’t be able to capture good photos without getting a motion blur. Although, it is not possible all the time to use a tripod while capturing photos, instead you can make yourself steady so that your hands can work as a steady tripod. You can look around to find some steady support for you or for your phone so that it works smoothly without even having a tripod with you all the time.

  • Proper Use of Light

Lighting is one of the most important factors in photography. Extra light can make your subject washed out from the frame, and too little light isn’t able to grab the attention of your audience. Hence, you need to concentrate on the proper use of lights while taking snaps for Instagram posts. For instance, if you are taking shots in a restaurant, you need to find such a place where the light is neither too bright nor too dark. Another thing which you need to keep in mind is that the harsh rays of afternoon sun can wash out the white part of your snaps. Therefore, knowing the role of lights in photography can help you capture the best photos for sure.

  • Avoid Overexposing the Images

It is very easy to brighten up the dark images you captured with multiple available editing tools, but you can’t edit those snaps that are overexposed. Therefore, while taking the snaps, you can adjust the brightness level of your phone’s screen so that it can prevent your photos from overexposing. Always remember, an overexposed image never gets desired likes. Most importantly, if you post such images on Instagram that are overexposed, there is a high probability that you would not get the attention of your hard-earned audience.

  • Follow the Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is one of the most effective and well-known processes of balancing your photos. Balancing your photos refers to adjusting a few important elements so that it can visually enhance your snaps in a much better way. It actually divides your snaps into 3×3 grid to adjust the subject and object of the taken shots within the grid lines. For instance, if you have taken a photo in which the subject was off-cantered, still you can manage to make up that snap by adjusting the lights, shape, colors, textures, alignments and other important elements so that it can be presentable to the audience.

  • Don’t Over-Edit

This is true that touching up with the best editing tools can add a real professional look to your images and can reach the next level of photography. But make sure that you are not over-editing your photos to get more likes and appreciations on Instagram. Sometimes, over-editing can make your photos look counterfeit. Therefore, don’t over- edit your snaps as it may lose the authenticity to the Instagram audience.

  • Add Text to Your Photos

Adding text to your snaps is another way that can really help you out while posting the snaps in social sites like Instagram. You may use beautiful matching quotes with the images to grab the attention of the Instagram audience so that you can get the desired likes and appreciation. Sometimes, an intelligently quoted text can make an image more beautiful and appealing to the audience.


Now that you know the tips for taking the best snaps for your Instagram account. It is best to apply them when next you are taking photos for instagram. It is advisable to mix your Instagram feed with various photographs so that you can understand what types of pictures are getting maximum appreciations. Once you know the taste of your audience, now you can apply the tips and tricks to get maximum likes to your Instagram posts.

Author BioKristen Smith has been working on the importance of social media in marketing with thousands of real Instagram followers for her postings.

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