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Checkout the Google Tool that helps you choose the right Android Smartphone

Google has added a new online tool that helps users select the best Android smartphone of choice based on the features you need them for. The service is available via the Mountain View based company’s Android homepage and for now suggestions are based on smartphones in the US only. 


Checkout the Google Tool that helps you choose the right Android Smartphone

If you are seriously considering a smartphone – an Android smartphone for that matter, Google has the perfect tool that can narrow your choices for you.


There are around 12 different categories you can choose from suggesting what you want in a device. The options includes – gaming, taking photos, texting and instant messaing, watching videos, listening to music and web browsing. 

There are also some sub-categories you can choose from like and there is also another option to choose a dedicated carrier. You can further narrow down your search by further refining the result by showing results by price and size (small, medium, large). 


The tool is an interesting one with a good graphical interface but it is likely to have any major desired effect on users as most people already know what smartphone they want to buy or those loyalist already waiting for the next device from their brand to be released.

Still the tool is a good try and you can try it our by hitting any of the link above or below.

Source: Android

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