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Mount Fiji, Mount Everest and other Weird places with Wi-Fi connectivity

Couple of days ago, Japan announced Mount Fiji would be getting free Wi-Fi connectivity. The motive behind the initiative is to attract more foreign visitors to Shizuoka and Yamanashi, the homes of the mountain. 


The free Wi-Fi service which would be provided by Japanese mobile carrier, NTT DoCoMo has already started on July 10 and would be available in 8 hotspot locations including the summit (3776 m, 12,388 ft). Users would be provided with User ID and password which can be seen on fliers in English, Korean and Chinese languages which would be distributed at some trailhead. 

Mount Fiji is Japan’s most famous mountain and is ranked 35th on the list of peaks by prominence. Ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Japan has been expanding free Wi-Fi services across subways, airports, and bus operators. 

Fiji joins other weird places where you can find free Wi-Fi connectivity and post selfies instantaneously whether you are ground level or very far above ground level. Asides that it can also let user get help where cellular connectivity is not avaiilable and not forgetting they can also check weather and climate informations before climbing the mountain. 

Mount Fiji, Mount Everest and other Weird places with Wi-Fi connectivity

Mount Everest

Rewind back five years ago, Wi-Fi connectivity was installed on Mount Everest, the highest mountain the world by Nepalese Telecom company, NCell in partnership with some private firms. The mountain has the record for the highest hotspot location at 17,000 ft. 

In Space

Astronauts in the International Space Station began having live access to the internet via ultimate wireless connection in 2010. The service allows them connect to the net via a ground computer, the view of the ground computer is now viewed in space and would be accessed remotely with the keyboard touchpad.  

North Pole

In 2005, two Intel employees based in Moscow set up a Wi-Fi Hotspot not-very-far from the North pole in what would be the first and wireless connection for the region. It was installed at the Barneo ice camp which is just 80km from the North pole. There is much going on in the North Pole in terms of living, but it is a hub for research and of course the home to polar bears. 

On Donkeys in Israel

Kfar Kedem is a theme park in Israel which is so 2000 years late. The term ‘Kfar Kedem’ means Ancient village and reprises everyday life in Galilee 2000 years ago starting from the dressing, the food, transportation by donkeys and others. Adding a bit of modern day inventions, tourists visiting the park access the net via Wi-Fi Routers which are placed in bags around the neck of donkeys. 

Content Creator, Copywriter and Editor-in-Chief.

One thought on “Mount Fiji, Mount Everest and other Weird places with Wi-Fi connectivity

  1. Talking about Selfies – men can still comport themselves but am not sure the ladies would not fall off Mountain Fiji trying to take that perfect selfies.

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