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SALt Lamp – a LED Lamp powered by saltwater

A relatively new initiative called SALt Lamp has popped up from the Philippines; the Lamp is is a combination of LED bulbs, galvanic cells and saltwater to provide light. SALt in this context doesn’t have to do with food, it means Sustainable Alternative Lighting.


SALt is an initiative of the company’s CEO and Co-founder, Engineer Aisa Mijeno which she says was born out of the idea of so many people in the Philippines without access to proper electricity and always have to light up kerosene lamps at night, especially those people close to the islands.

The SALt Lamp is 100% environment-friendly and doesn’t contain any material which is inflammable. The lamp want to make sure it replaces kerosene lamps (lanterns) and candles which have in the past caused hazards and is more expensive.


Talking about saltwater, the lamp is not not only ideal for those living in Coastal areas, it is also usable by virtually almost anybody and in other remote areas around the world also. To power up the lamp, all that is needed is just two table spoons of salt and a glass of tap water or just ocean water.

The lamp provides around 8 hours of light everyday for around 6 months, the electrodes would be due to be changed by then. Another nourishing (sic) usage of the SALt LED lamp is it comes with a USB port which means it can be used to charge a smartphone and maybe used for other USB charged devices.


The SALt Lamp is already in mass production stage and could start selling by Q4 2015 or Q1 2016. There is no word on pricing yet but expected a very affordable price tag.

Source: Gizmag

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