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LG Hi-Fi Music Service launched for select LG premium phones

LG has announced it will be offering High Fidelity (Hi-Fi) music service to for customers of its premium smartphones. The service would be available on select LG devices and can be accesses via the LG SmartWorld app and at


The LG Hi-Fi Music service will be available starting this month in around 70 countries of the world including Australia, Brazil, China, France, Italy, Russia, United States and United Kingdom. 

“Our Hi-Fi music service reflects our ongoing commitment to providing additional customer benefits to loyal LG customers. MP3 music is perfectly fine for most people but those with Hi Fi capable LG smartphones can experience a much richer environment.”

said Chris Yie, vice president and head of marketing communications for LG Mobile Communications Company. 

Obviously the LG Hi-Fi Music service doesn’t have a brand name yet and doesn’t mention anything about music streaming service. The service can be enjoyed by owners of premium LG phones which support 24-bit playback capability such as the LG G4, LG G Flex 2, LG G3 and the LG G2. 


With Hi-Fi (24bit/192KHz) is six times clearer than sound quality of original CD (16bit/44.1Khz); LG customers would be able to download two free Hi-Fi tracks monthly and also have the option to purchase songs at 50 percent off the regular price. 

Fellow South Korean Company, Samsung also boasts of similar service with the ‘Samsung Milk Music‘. This radio like service is available in select markets such as the US and can be accessed on Samsung phones, tablets and on Desktop. 

Source: LGNewsroom

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