
Erase Data from Google Searches Online With Forget.Me Service

An online service website Forget.me is taking advantage of a court ruling in Europe on Google to process request by Individuals to remove/de-index outdated, obsolete, incorrect or irrelevant personal information on the search engine. Following the ruling of the court of Justice of the European Union, Google created an online form to help address issues relating to data removal.

A free service website – Forget.me is allowing uysers take advantage of this ruling by providing a much more enhanced feature to the ones google offered. Once you sign up with forget.me, then click on the ‘Get Started’ button to under the heading “I want to make a search removal request to Google” and the website automatically list all links on Google concerning you.

Select any links you feel reveals too much information, is outdated or irrelevant, then select a reason for your action. After submitting your request, forget.me keeps you updated with the status of your request till it gets approved or relevant updates are incoming.

The court ruling happens to be in Europe, and applies to only all resisdents in the European union regardless of their nationality.

If you too think that the Right To Be Forgotten is important, then spread the word.

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