France releases terror alert Smartphone app - SAIP
Mobile Apps News

France releases terror alert Smartphone app ahead of Euro 2016

In light of recent terror threats and attacks, the French Government has launched a new terror alert smartphone app ahead of the EURO 2016 soccer tournament, the continent’s biggest sporting event, which will surely attract people from all over Europe and the World.

France releases terror alert Smartphone app - SAIP

Available for free in English and French language versions on both Android and Apple phones, the app called SAIP (Système d’alerte et d’information des populations) to alert users on possible terror attacks and provide necessary guidance on how to keep safe. It was developed as part of a pilot project after the November 2015 terror attack in Paris.

According to the French Interior Ministry, the SAIP app sends warning to users “in case of a suspected attack” and also alert geolocated users who are near a potential attack and sends them location and situation customised safety instruction within 15 minutes. Also, users who agree to be geolocated will be able to set and receive information for up to eight geographical zones.

France releases terror alert Smartphone app - SAIP-TGF

The French government acknowledge the app may fuel fear among visiting fans for the Euro, however, they are adamant it is a useful tool in dealing with the threat and will also help reduce the pressure on France’s emergency services hotlines. France is already working on a second version of the app which will alert users about potential risks such as floods, earthquakes and avalanches.

Authorities have pledged to protect users’ privacy.

Source: French Interior Ministry (

Via: Wall Street Journal

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