
Android 5.0 Lollipop vs iOS 8 – The Supremacy Battle

There ‘has and there will’ always be a supremacy battle between the two tech giants Apple and Android; Apple rather known for its quality products even though within its self-chained eco-system and Android on the other hand is the people’s choice for being an open-source.

Both company announced updates to the operating system their devices run on in 2014, Apple with the iOS 8 and Google with the recently announced Android 5.0 Lollipop. There is always going to be room for comparison between the two leading OS on smartphones and other devices alike, much to the delight of the end users.

Android 5.0 Lollipop vs iOS 8 - Who Wins the Supremacy Battle? (Image via Recombu)

Android 5.0 Lollipop vs iOS 8 – Who Wins the Supremacy Battle? (Image via Recombu)

Lets not forget the fact that apple released the iOS 8 last month and several issues have been complained about. Though the company released an update claiming to have fixed the bug. We would be judging the two OS based on the following factors. We bring the two giants go head to head in our review. Keep reading and find out which one came out on top.

• Android 5.0 Lollipop vs iOS 8 – Design

While there wasn’t much improvement on iOS 8 design, it is a relative modest update on the iOS 7 which brought the major changes to apple; this means the iOS 8 was released with a flat design based on a minimalist design.

Android 5.0 Lollipop came with a major re-design since the last major upheaval we have had on Android was with Android 4.2. Android 5.0 Lollipop or Android L as we prefer to call it is incorporated with a major feature called “Material Design”. The new Material Design offers a cleaner design with flatter icons, a bolder color palette, coupled with fluid physics-based animations offering a smoother and more consistent user experience on the Android platform.

Android 5.0 Lollipop vs iOS 8 – Notification

The notification bar has been a relative huge success on iOS 8 and whilst apple made its notification bar more interactive such as allowing you to respond to or dismiss any notification without disrupting the user experience.

Google definitely wasn’t left out of the notification party as they also overhauled their notification system. Android 5.0 Lollipop presents its notification to users in 3 different ways text, inbox and image. A new feature was also included called Priority Mode. This feature allows only certain people notification to come through. Though this can be scheduled to occur during certain times of the day.

Android 5.0 Lollipop vs iOS 8 – Performance

Like iOS7, the Apple iOS 8 continues with this rich-heavy tradition of having a 64-bit processor running on its 64-bit hardware. Since apple controls both its hardware and software production there lies the possibility of apple over powering android in terms of performance since all their products are tailored to their own taste.

We were expecting it and Android 5.0 Lollipop confirms that. Google has decided to follow in the suite of apple by having developers develop apps to suite its 64-bit chips. Technically, this means we should expect sooner than later a mobile device operating a 4GB RAM in it when mobile devices finally reach there.

Android 5.0 Lollipop vs iOS 8 – Security
Apple introduced the first Touch ID fingerprint sensor which was integrated into the iPhone 5s home button. With the release of iOS 8, Apple have decided to spice things up and set the pace by opening up to third-party developers to develop apps where users will be able to use their finger print access their banking details and so much more.

Android has always been known to be vulnerable and susceptible to threats, but everything is about to change as Android 5.0 Lollipop introduces automatic encryption turned on for devices that launch with the OS. From Android 5.0 forward, Google will enact SELinux enforcing for all applications, making the entire Android ecosphere more secure.

Editor’s Picks

So there you have it. Basically, both OS updates this year the iOS 8 and the Android 5.0 Lollipop brought balanced benefits though they have crucial differences they did manage to share a lot in common. If you are a loyal Apple fan you wouldn’t want to switch over, same goes to the Android fans.

Personally, i feel Android came up with its head high help but am not getting ahead of myself as both OS are getting similar day in day out. They both offer basically the same thing in different ways.

In your opinion, Which among the latest OS came out ahead – is it the Android 5.0 Lollipop or the Apple iOS 8. Let your voice be heard, share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.

I am Gabi Gambit, a Gadget freak, Knowledge Enthusiast, Mathematician and Blogger. I am the Editor-In-chief at Naijatechmode, an Android fan boy and Music lover. Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter or you could still follow my personal updates on Naijatechmode.

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