Mobile OS & Software News

Lite OS is the Huawei owned operating system for ‘IoT’ devices

One of the biggest Chinese smartphone manufacturer, Huawei has announced the Lite OS, the operating system is aimed at the devices which are associated with the Internet of things ‘IoT’. IoT is a segment which is tipped as the next big thing; this would see a home using different devices connected via a single platform.


The Lite OS is only 10kb in size and it supports zero configuration, auto-discovery, and auto- networking. At the aforementioned size, it makes it the current lightest OS available for IoT devices. The OS can be used to power a host of smart devices – ranging from smartwatches, washing machine, cars, home entertainment system and even the Electric toothbrush.

The OS would be ‘opened to all developers’ which would allow them create their various products, however it is still unknown if it would be open source.

According to William XU, Huawei Marketing Chief, devices on the Internet of things platform is expected to hit the 100 billion mark by 2025. These devices as we all know are connected via a single platform and sync information from one to another using the Internet.

Huawei says it is not taking on iOS or Android with the Lite OS, but rather it is a way to make its own contribution to IoT connected devices. The company also stressed that it only wants to provide the necessary connections and not create the connected devices.

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