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Google makes Android M official

At the Google I/0 Event, Google has taken the wraps off the next major version of is mobile operating system – the Android M. Android M would succeed the Android L (Android Lollipop) which in itself is slowly finding it’s way into devices.


Android M focuses more on user experience and this time around not on material design. Improvements on the M can be detailed into some core points – support for Android Pay (mobile payments), fingerprint support, app permissions, Power and charging, Web Experience and App links. 

Google Now on Tap

Google has made Google Now smarter by adding a new ‘on tap functionality. It can now understand natural languages, can understand the email one is reading amongst others. Now on Tap also knows your location and can give you information of where is crowded or busy, where you might want to go next or where your car is parked. 

Android Pay and Fingerprint

As expected, Android M would bring support for Android Pay; a payment system which makes use of Near Field Communication (NFC) to let third party apps process payments both within the app and in retails stores. Google’s Mobile Wallet is also said to use Android Pay. 


Android Pay also integrates fingerprint sensor, so payments can be made when the fingerprint is authorised. Fingerprint can also be used to unlock the device and make payments on Google Play. With new APIsdevelopers can take advantage of integrate fingerint authorization into apps. 

The mobile payment system would be employed in around 700,000 locations including Best Buy, Macy’s, Walgreens, McDonald’s, Pepsi, Coca-Cola and more. It would also be used on major cards and US Carriers suchs as AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile. 

Power and Charging

USB Type-C is now the standard for charging cables on Android devices and Android M comes with Doze a power saving feature which uses less power than the current standby mode. 


USB Type-C standard would make charging devices more efficient (about 3x to 5x more) and can also charge other devices thanks to its reversible nature. Doze picks up where Project Volta left off, it allows the device use sensors to know when it is idle as such the device Doze off thereby saving more energy. 


Android M is bringing a similar app permission like that of iOS to Android; users are given more leeway to allow (or deny) specific permissions within apps. In cases where, access to app has to be redone, this can be found in the setting section. 

There are also some improvements such as linking within apps which has been made easier for developers and Custom Chrome tabs is another which allows an app open a customised Chrome window tab within the app.  


Android M is currently available to developers (Android M Developers preview) only at the moment and Google Nexus devices are currently being used to test it. The final name for Android M is not yet know, but given the company’s like to go with delicious desserts name; we have seen names like – Marshallows, Milkshake, M&Ms, Meringue, Muffin, Marzipan, Marmalade, e.t.c, we will know in due course. 

It would be available later this year (Q3 2015) when it would find its way to mobile devices.

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