GLO News Telecommunication

Glo launches Ultra Fast Airport Wi-Fi Services in conjuction with FAAN

Globacom has announced the first ever Airport Wi-Fi services in Nigeria; the service is in collaboration with the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria. The company which is one of the leading Telecommunication networks in Nigeria launched the Airport Wi-Fi service at the Muritala Muhammed International Airport (MMIA) in Ikeja, Lagos.

 Glo Airport Wi-Fi Services

The Ultra Fast Glo Airport Wi-Fi Services promises speed up to 100Mbps (Megabit per second) and surrounding arenas around the MMIA including the Departure, Arrival, and Executive Lounges, Ticketing and Waiting Areas as well as Passengers Welcoming lobby will all enjoy the same speed.

Irrespective of what network the user is using, they can connect to Wi-Fi service. Once you connect to the service, you’ll be directed to a subscription page where they would be able to purchase Data three different options. The three options available are – the option to use existing data plan on Glo network, recharging their lines at the Glo Kiosks made available at the airport or paying for the Wi-Fi service through a Credit card.

 Glo Airport Wi-Fi Services

Staffs, passengers and other users around the airport would take advantage of the Wireless service on their smartphones, tablets, laptops and other smart devices. The service would be extended to 22 other airports in the country.

Content Creator, Copywriter and Editor-in-Chief.

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