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Acer to announce Windows 10 OS Smartphone, Android OS Jade handset and a Wearable

Taiwanese Company, Acer which is know more for its Computer and Laptops than its smartphones is expected to announce a now smartphone running on the mobile version of the Windows 10 OS from Microsoft.


Acer last announced a Windows phone device around 3 years back and it was the Allegro W4 which sported a 3.6-inch display and runs the Windows Phone 7.5 Mango on-board. It is likely the upcoming smartphone would certainly be a mid-range or a low-end smartphone.

Even though here is no word on specifications at the moment except the OS It would run; the smartphone won’t be available until the summer when Microsoft released the final build of the mobile version of the OS.

Acer is also expected to announce an Android OS based Jade smartphone and a new wearable. All three devices are expected to be made official at this year’s edition of the Mobile World Congress which would take place in Barcelona.

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