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Bloomberg: Apple Car to enter mass production by 2020

In recent weeks, there has been so many reports about Apple working on an Electric Car and there has been proof that it is actually true. The latest report from Bloomberg confirms the Apple Car would enter mass production by the year 2020.


According to Bloomberg, contrary to the reports that the Apple Car (who knows it could be called the iCar) is currently being worked on by 100+ employees; the reports states they are actually 200+. The company has been hiring experts in Robotics and battery technology over the past few months. 

The company has come under scrutiny this week for trying to aggressively poach employees from battery maker, A123 Systems LLC and the company has gone to court. Tesla CEO, Elon Must also confirmed this week that Apple has been trying to hire their workers by offering significant bonuses and higher salary. 

Apple has set an aggressive timeframe with the year 2020 time frame considering the fact that most auto-mobile companies spend around 5 years up in developing a car. The Apple Car (iCar) would put the company in direct competition with rivals such as Google, GM, Nissan and Tesla who all similar offering and expected to be fully functional by that timeframe. 

The Apple Car could still end up becoming one of the many prototypes of Apple which gathers dust. The company is famous for developing so many products without actually releasing them. If it actually see the light of the day, expect the car to come with Apple’s Softwares such as the CarPlay, Siri could be thrown into the mix, GPS navigation and voice released controls to make calls or control media. 

Source: BloomBerg

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