General News Online Services Social Media

Facebook announces Signal – content curation tool for Journalists

In a bid to get the same attention journalists give to Twitter when it comes to real-time breaking news and major events; Facebook has announced Signal.  The social media giant describes it a free discovery and curation tool for journalists who want to source, gather, and embed newsworthy content from Facebook and Instagram, across news, […]

Twitter Testing 280-Character Limit Feature For Tweet
News Social Media

Twitter puts an end to 140-character DM Limit

Back in June, Twitter announced it would be putting an end to the 140-character limit in DMs (Direct Messages). Even though the company announced the feature was slated for July, it finally arrived yesterday  (August 13th). Making the feature known yesterday, Twitter, on its official Blog, revealed that the 140-character DM limit has been […]

General Social Media

Facebook announces Live Video Broadcast for Celebrities and Public Figures

Facebook has announced ‘Live’ Video Broadcast features for celebrities and public figures. The feature is available through Facebook Mentions and only users such as athletes, politicians, musicians, influences and other public figures with verified facebook pages have access to it.  Celebrities and Public figures would be able to share Live video with their followers through […]