General News Social Media

Facebook Scrapbook Feature now let you arrange photos of your Kids Online

Facebook has announced the Scrapbook feature which let’s parents organise photos of their kids on the Social media platform. The new feature is expected to help parent collect pictures of their kids as they pass each growth stage.


An excerpt from the writeup from Facebook on their official blog reads:

With these insights in mind, we set out to help people who are already sharing and tagging photos of their children on Facebook have a better experience. We’re starting to pilot an optional way for you to organize photos of your child, using a special tag you choose to create. If you choose to tag your child in a photo it will be added to a customizable scrapbook. And, photos you choose to tag can be shared with your friends and your partner’s friends. 


To get started, users should scroll to the About section of their profile, and then the Family and Relationship tab. Once you see the invitation to start a Scrapbook; For Kids not added to the profile already, Click on Get Started and for those already added to the profile Click Add scrapbook next to the kid’s name. The Facebook Scrapbook feature would start rolling out first in the US on Desktop, iPhone and Android.

Content Creator, Copywriter and Editor-in-Chief.

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