Leaks Phablet Phones Rumours

Gionee M5 will come powered with Dual batteries, Four days of Battery Life

While some people wall hug, some people are buying smartphones with bigger battery capacity – ranging from 3000mAh to 4000mAh to 5000mAh but how about a device with Dual Batteries? 

Gionee has teased an upcoming smartphone – the Gionee M5 which would infact come with Dual batteries. Both batteries on the device would provide around four days of battery life . Even when one battery is fully down, the other battery would still be keeping the device running. 


The exact capacities of each battery is unknown but the batteries can also be ‘hot swapped’ – one battery can be removed while the other is powering the device. Another curious issue is the amount of time the battery takes to charge. 

The highlight of this device is the ‘Dual Batteries’ and it seems Gionee has found a solution to stuffing two batteries on the Gionee M5 without going overboard with the size of the device. The company could however be taking a leaf from the Innos D6000 which stuffs two 3000mAh batteries. 

There is no word on the the specs of the Gionee M5 but the company has been actively teasing the Gionee Elife E8; who know both device might launch at the same time. We would keep you informed about the developments surrounding the Gionee M5. 

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