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Google announces its own Twitch competitor – Youtube Gaming

After publicly courting Twitch and a failed bid to acquire the company which ended being owned by Amazon. This has pushed Google in announcing the its own Twitch rival – Youtube Gaming. The new gaming app and website dedicated to video game content would be available in the UK and US starting this summer. 


The Youtube Gaming which was expected to be initially called the Youtube Live, is now tipped to be the ‘biggest community of gamers’ all in one place and can be accessed from the dedicated homepage. There would be over 25,000 game page titles with information about th game and those who are livestreaming the game. 

Also, there would be a channel to hangout with game developers and Youtube creators; and also chat with them. Searching has also been made easy and tailored for the website alone which means all searches on that website wouldn’t coincide with searches made on The company made an illustration of saying when you search for ‘Call of Duty’ so you won’t end up with searches with the name ‘Call Me Maybe’ which is actually a song. 

Once you add a game to your collection, you’ll be able to see the latest video about it and for the channels, you’ll have to subscribe to it to get notified once a livestream is about to start. Games would be recommended to you based on your taste. 


Google is promising an improved live experience, a much more simpler way to upload your gameplay to youtube and there will be no need to schedule a live event ahead of time anymore. Moreover, a single link would now be provided where you can share all your stream. 

You should know the service is available on Web, mobile and tablet on both Android and iOS. Those interested in having a look at how Youtube gaming works can visit the company’s booth at th E3 Expo event next week. 

Source: Youtube Global Blog

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