
Google Driverless Car – No brake Peddle, No steering Wheel, No Driver Seat

In line with its driverless car vision, Google has unveiled the prototype of its new self driving car with no driving control, No steering wheel, no brake pedals except for the two passenger seats, Start and stop buttons.

The Google Driverless cars features two passenger seats (seatbelts inclusive), compartment for passenger luggages, Start and stop buttons, a display which shows route, weather and more.

Google is building its first prototype self-driving car - with no
steering wheel, no brake pedal

Google is building its first prototype self-driving car – with no
steering wheel, no brake pedal

The self driving car utilises a combination of lasers, cameras, GPS location, radars, and software to navigate the road. The driverless car is currently limited to a speed of 25 miles per hour (40Km/hr), however the speed limit could rise up to 100 miles per hour(160Km/hr).

Google developed its first self-driving car back in 2009 by integrating radars and laser sensors into standard cars with the Toyota Prius and Toyota Lexus SUVs. Earlier self-driving cars developed by Google needed a driver on hand in some cases but this newly unveiled driverless car operates completely independently.

There has made no announcement of moving into large scale manufacturing of the Google Driverless car, but the company stated its is ready to work with other companies to ease this technology into the world if the develpoed prototypes are successful.

With issues arising from different sectors about the car’s relevance and issues of safety, Google is still going ahead with making the Driverless Car available. The internet company has announced it already planning to build 100 prototypes of the driverless car; which would start testing them by next year.

Content Creator, Copywriter and Editor-in-Chief.

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