
Google roll out ‘mobile-friendly’ update for mobile search results

Google has announced the roll out ‘mobile-friendly’ update globally, the new feature is already available (starting April 21st). The update is said to boost mobile search rankings for pages that are legible and usable on mobile devices or mobile search results.


On its official blog, the search giant highlighted that the update affects search rankings on mobile devices, affects search results in languages globally and applies to individual pages not the entire website. The company highlighted the feature last year and even urged developers to create mobile friendly websites. This wouldn’t have any effect whatsoever on searches made on tablets and desktops.

Google however added that no matter how ‘mobile-friendly’ a website is it would still use a number of criteria to rank search results i.e if a website is not mobile-friendly but has the high quality content it would still rank high.

How to check if a website is mobile-friendly? The entire website can be checked using the Mobile Usability report in Google Webmaster Tools and individual pages on the website can undergo the Test here.

Source: Google Webmaster Central

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