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Google Undo Send for Gmail on the Web lets you Undo Sent emails within 30 seconds of sending

Google has finally made the Undo Send for Gmail feature available on the web. The feature has been available on the Gmail Labs (Google Labs) since almost 6 years ago and was recently added to the standalone Inbox by Gmail app at the Google I/0 2015 conference. 


The Undo Send for Gmail on the web works the same as that on other iterations; it allows you undo sent messages within half a minute (30 seconds) with the time fragmented into 5/10/20/30 seconds to choose from. Nothing is new about the feature for those using the Beta version already but it is now deemed fit to be stable enough for release. 

The feature is said to be turned off by default for those not currently using the Labs version while those already enjoying the Labs version (Beta) have it turned on by default at launch. The settings can however be turned on at the General tab in Gmail Settings. If it is not available in your setting at the moment, be rest assured it would gradually get to you in coming weeks. 


You need to know that Google doesn’t recall the sent email, instead it hold on to the email for the time set incase you change your mind for any reason whatsoever – be it a typo error, an addition or omission. 

However helpful this feature may be, it is still always advisable to proof-read that email before you tap the send button. In cases where you find yourself in places with slow networks, half a minute might not be enough to save you from afterthought (second thoughts).

Source: Google

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