How to Record Videos From the Screen of iOS Devices
How Tos

How to Record Videos From the Screen of iOS Devices

Quite a large number of iOS device users have over the years come to terms with the fact that it is not entirely easy ‎recording videos directly from the screen of these devices. Even though people tend to believe that there is a screen recorder app from the Store that takes care of this, but this is not entirely the case.

How to Record Videos From the Screen of iOS Devices

While the much anticipated built-in screen recorder feature is tipped to finally arrive with iOS 11, there are other avenues to explore until this update is released to eligible iOS devices. Also, older devices not considered for the update can continue to take advantage of this means. As such if you want to record your screen right here and now, you should choose from these options:

Video cameras

It may not be the most elegant solution, but it is an effective one. By using a video camera to record your iOS device you can not only capture its screen but also any interactions that take place as your fingers touch the screen. That being said quality can be an issue – and you will want to take measures to keep the camera steady.

Video capture Devices

Another option is to use external hardware such as video capture devices to record the footage that you need. While the quality with this option is generally better, you will have to connect your iOS device to the capture device using a HDMI adapter, and the recording options may be limited depending on the device that you use.

Screen Recorders

Essentially screen recorders are software that let you record videos from a computer screen, and some will also allow you to record the screen of iOS devices connected to your computer. Although it may be arguably whether this is the best option, it is certainly the most versatile – provided you have a screen recorder that is capable.

Best Screen Recorder for iOS

‎Assuming you’d like to record the screen of an iOS device with a screen recorder it would be a good idea to try out Movavi Screen Capture Studio for Mac. Not only is it a capable screen recorder for iOS that will give you full control over all the recording parameters, but it is also intuitive and easy to use – even if it is your first time.

To add to its appeal, Movavi Screen Capture Studio for Mac has a built-in editor that you can use to improve any video footage that you record. With its features you will be able to trim out unwanted segments, enhance the video quality, merge clips together, apply filters and special effects, insert captions, add animated transitions, include audio tracks, and much more.

All it will takes is a few minutes for you to familiarise yourself with Movavi Screen Capture Studio for Mac and start to use it to record the screen of any iOS device. Once you do, you’ll have an easy way to record the videos that you want at any time – while ensuring their quality is top notch by editing them afterwards.

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