How To Test Your Internet Speed
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How To Test Your Internet Speed

When using the internet for work, socializing, or entertainment, speed matters. A slow connection can prevent you from opening your boss’s file or downloading a movie. Unfortunately, the speeds promised by a service provider can differ from actual speeds. By testing your connection, you can gain a clearer understanding of its efficiency. To learn about testing your internet speed, check this article out.

When Should You Test Your Internet Speed?

When Should You Test Your Internet Speed?
Image via Flickr by puresolitude

Test your internet in the following situations:

  • Your internet is frequently slow: You have trouble performing simple tasks on the internet, such as opening a web page, watching a news clip, or using an e-commerce platform.
  • Your internet used to be faster: You remember your connection being significantly faster. For example, a download is taking 10 minutes longer to complete when compared to a similarly sized one completed a few months ago.
  • Connection issues are affecting your work: Your internet speed, or lack thereof, is making it harder to achieve goals.

Why Do You Need To Test Your Internet Speed?

  • You should test your internet speed regularly for the following reasons:
  • To find out if your service provider is giving you the best value for your money.
  • To find out if your service provider is meeting the conditions of your service agreement.
  • To avoid the negative impacts a slow internet can have on your career, social life, and entertainment.
  • To find out whether your slow internet is caused by your internet provider or a problem on your end, such as issues in your wiring, devices, or apps.
  • To get the information you need to take remedial action to address your internet issue.

How To Test Your Internet Speed?

  • To test if your ISP is giving you the promised speed, use the following steps:
  • Use a device that is connected directly to the modem instead of a wireless device that accesses it via a router.
  • Disconnect any other devices, like a smartphone, or activities, like a streaming service, that are using the same connection.
  • Select an internet speed test that enables you to choose a test server.
  • Choose a local server and test your internet.

To test real-world speed, use the following steps:

  • Use the browser of your choice.
  • Open video or audio streams you normally use.
  • Connect to the internet as you normally do, such as via Wi-Fi.
  • Use the test to pick a distant server.
  • Run the test.

What Does an Internet Speed Test Result Mean?
The result from an internet speed test, such as the national internet speed test (US), reveals the following:

  • It identifies the speed of your internet connection under certain conditions during a single point in time.
  • It gives you the information you need to talk to your ISP if your internet speed has been significantly reduced, like getting a 30 Mbps download speed while paying for 60 Mbps. However, if your service provider has promised you, “up to,” certain speeds for downloads and uploads, which is the standard language in service agreements, it has some wriggle room to reduce speeds slightly while fulfilling the agreement.

Consequently, testing your internet speed can be necessary. Use what you have learned to identify situations that require a test and perform one effectively.

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