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LG and Huawei touted as Next Nexus Devices manufacturers,coming H2 2015

Yesterday, words spread out that Google is looking into the possibility of using a Chinese OEM for its next Nexus device (the smartphone in particular). 

The report also further stated that both the upcoming Nexus smartphone and Tablet would launch by the second half of the year (H2 2015).  Once the rumours came out companies like Huawei, Lenovo (Motorola), Xiaomi and other prominent OEMS from China were widely tipped due to their international status. 


New reports have emerged that, a popular Chinese OEM and LG would be making the Nexus devices of 2015. This confirms the fact that Google also has two different offering for this year just like last year with the HTC made Nexus 9 tablet and the Motorola made Nexus 6 smartphone. The popular OEM from China is said to either use its in-house made chipset or Qualcomm SoC – which only points to Huawei; as it is the only OEM from China with its own Chipset made. 

LG is said to be handling the Smartphone while Huawei would handle the tablet. And the role could also be vice-versa as both companies make both devices; but Huawei might possible handle the tablets due to the fact that it has more tablet offerings in the past few year than LG. Don’t rule out LG from handling the tablet too because HTC manufactures the Nexus 9 without having any recent tablet in the market.

Another possibility is Google is looking to make two Nexus smartphones; One which would be flagship and the other to appease the masses. With LG handling the flagship and Huawei handling the more affordable Nexus and even use its Kirin Chipset on it.

Neither Google nor any of the mentioned OEMS (LG and Huawei) have come out to make any official announcement yet. This means this reports should be taken with a pinch of salt. 

The possibility of Huawei manning the next Nexus smartphone would definitely give hopefuls a reason to smile as it’s Ascend Mate 7 and Honor 6 Plus are no pushovers. LG too won’t really slack as the LG G3 was one of the most talked about flagship of 2014.

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