
Microsoft Now owns PureView, Lumia and four other Nokia trademark brand names

Nokia over the years has always shown it is a force to reckon with and has its own established brands. Brand names like Lumia, Asha, Clearback, Surge, Mural and Pureview has been associated with Nokia over the years. And when Microsoft took over Nokia’s mobile unit (mobile and services unit) and renamed it into Microsoft Mobile Oy there were concerns as to the limit at which the acquisition goes and will Microsoft also gain trademark Nokia brand names?.

However, the Redmond giant now according to a tip from Nokia Power User now own exclusive rights to the six listed Nokia brandnames and trademarks above.

    • Lumia is the trademark which Nokia names its Windows Phone powered smartphones.
    • Pureview – Pureview according to Nokia, is the name given to very high end camera donned by its line of high end lumia smartphones like the Nokia Lumia 1020.
    • Asha – Asha is the name of the line of feature phones from Nokia.
    • Surge – Surge is a brand name for one of the Symbian OS powered mobile smartphone from Nokia released in 2009.
    • Mural – Mural like surge is a 2009 mobile device from Nokia.
    • Clearback – Clearback is used to differentiates a screen that uses technology to reduce reflections on the glass, especially outdoors.

Microsoft Mobile Oy now as listed own exclusive rights to these Nokia brand names but the inclusion of Mural and Surge is raising some few eyebrows as to why Microsoft would also acquire a 5 year Old brand name and also what Microsoft plans as regarding the acquired trademarks.

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