News Tablets

MotionSavvy – a Tablet app Developed to Read, Understand and Translate sign Languages

There so many different applications out there for every mobile, Pc and OS platforms which serves different purposes – be it education, entertainment, socialising and all sorts of indulging reason. All these keeps us busy and are helpful in one form or the other but can also translate to improving our lives generally.

MotionSavvy is one of those apps set to change and improve the daily life of user, the app is designed to read sign languages and translate sign languages for those who are hearing impaired. The MotionSavvy team consist of Ryan Hait-Campbell, Alex Opalka, Jordan Stemper, Wade Kellard, Michelle Gitterman & Kimberly Lin; and which all six of them are deaf.

The primary function of the MotionSavvy is to translate ASL (American Sign Language) into english and can also translate from english back to ASL. However the tablet currently understands only 100 words and developers believe by securing enough funds MotionSavvy wouldbe able to attain its highest performance expectation I.e not only cover American Sign Languages but also in different ways uses and accents required. Also the MotionSavvy team is looking to develop Windows phone, iOS and Android apps so users would be able to use the device on their phones, phablets and tablets.

MotionSavvy emerged from the Leap Motion Accelerator AXLR8R, is building a tablet that uses the power of the Leap Motion Controller in order to translate ASL into english and vice versa.

The MotionSavvy case embeds the Leap, and the MotionSavvy software leverages the Leap’s 3D motion recognition, which detects when a person is using ASL and converts it to text or voice. The software also has voice recognition through the tablet’s mic, which allows a hearing person to respond with voice to the person signing. It then converts their voice into text, which the hearing-impaired receiver can understand.

Currently only 800 users has registered for the beta signup and the MotionSavvy team expects the application to be available by September 2015 for consumers at a very competitive price of $600 which includes a Windows Tablet plus $20 per month for the software subscription.


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