Processors and Components

NVIDIA Tegra X1 goes official, to bring twice the power of the Tegra K1

Ahead of the CES 2015, last night NVIDIA held its scheduled press conference which saw the announcement of the NVIDIA Tegra X1 which would succeed the Tegra K1. The Tegra X1 is tagged as the next mobile ‘super’ chip and it’s 256-core maxwell GPU ensures it bring over one teraflop of processing speed to mobile device; this means it has more than twice the power the NVIDIA Tegra K1 offers.


The NVIDIA Tegra X1 chips are produced using the 20nm process; 1.3 Gigapixel of camera throughput, 256-core Maxwell GPU, 8 CPU cores (consisting of 4 Cortex-A57 and 4 Cortex-A53 CPUs) and  60 fps 4K video (H.265, H.264, VP9). The Tegra X1 is touted to be the first chispet that can stand against supercomputers and game consoles.

“We see a future of autonomous cars, robots and drones that see and learn, with seeming intelligence that is hard to imagine. They will make possible safer driving, more secure cities and great conveniences for all of us. To achieve this dream, enormous advances in visual and parallel computing are required. The Tegra X1 mobile super chip, with its one teraflops of processing power, is a giant step into this revolution.”-Jen-Hsun Huang, CEO and co-founder, NVIDIA


The NVIDIA Tegra X1 is said to have more power than the fastest supercomputers which were used 15 years ago; while the ASCI Red supercomputer used around 1 million watts of power combined (including 500000 watts to cool the room) and takes about 1600 square feet, the Tegra X1 uses under 10 Watts of power and is just the size of a thumbnail.

The NVIDIA Tegra K1 is simply brings more than the power of supercomputers to your pocket.

Content Creator, Copywriter and Editor-in-Chief.

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