Mobile OS & Software

OnePlus announces its Android ROM – OxygenOS

OnePlus has officially announced its own Android ROM – OxygenOS; this would see the company drop CyanogenMod on its OnePlus One smartphone. The Alpha version has been released with a more stable version set to make its debut in February.

The company likened the basis of going back to the drawing board to create the flagship Killer – OnePlus One smartphone to making the OxygenOS. The OnePlus One ROM/OxygenOS would be “open, customizable, and free of bloat and unnecessary features.”


About how the ROM finally got the names, the statement had this to say:

As an element, Oxygen is the epitome of simplicity, yet it’s also extraordinarily powerful. Oxygen is all around us. It’s part of us and everything we do. It creates the water that carves out valleys and moves mountains. By itself, it’s simple and pure—a fundamental building block. But, as a part of something greater, it can do amazing things. Just like us.

OnePlus is expected to give out more details on the OxygenOS on February 12th.

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