News Smartwatch

Reuters Poll: Only 25% Americans Interested in Buying the Apple Watch

Apple officially unveiled the Apple Watch on the 10th of March at the company’s ‘Spring Forward Event’; the watch is expected to go on pre-order by April 10 with sale expected in stores by April 24th. The Apple Watch is tagged as ‘the next Big thing’ from Apple and it doesn’t come cheap with prices starting at $324 and climbs up to around $11,000.

Reuters Poll: Only 25% Americans Interested in Buying the Apple Watch

Reuters decided to run a poll in the US between March 9th and 13th to see those who will be interested in getting the Apple Watch. Only about 25% of Americans would be getting the Apple Watch with the other 75% includes the categories of those who are not interested in getting the watch or those undecided. 

The exact figures shows: 47.5% are ‘Not at all Interested’; 22.1% are ‘Not very Interested’; 15.2% are ‘Somewhat Interested’; 9.4% are ‘Very Interested’ and the other 5.8% are ‘Undecided’. 

In another report, Sebastian James – Dixon Carphone CEO is sceptical about the success of the Apple Watch; the London based company sells products from Sony, LG, Samsung and even Apple. In his own words: 

Your wrist is a very personal piece of inventory and we’ll have to see whether people are willing to give it up. The Apple Watch could be an enormous success, but we really don’t know.

In selling wrist watches, Cupertino, California-based Apple is taking on a four-century-old industry and so faces a different set of challenges to those it encountered when it began selling the industry-defining iPhones and iPads. 

If you spend 300 pounds on a TAG Heuer then you’ve got that for life. But if you buy a smartwatch, in two or three years time you will want a new one because the technology has moved on.

This doesn’t necessarily spell doom for the Apple Watch as it wouldn’t only be sold in the US alone and there are always scepticism about new products till they become ground breaking.

Apple is no stranger to people showing negative acceptance at first to their products; it happened with the iPad but the company has managed to sell million of unit of the iPad (all series). We just have to wait until the Apple Watch starts selling and the stats reports start trickling in. Would you be getting the Apple Watch? If, Yes what model would you love?

Content Creator, Copywriter and Editor-in-Chief.

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