
Sesame Phone: A touch-free smartphone for the Disabled

The Sesame Phone is the first of it kind; it is built for people with disabilities which is a touch-free smartphone rather users depend on gestures and voice control. The smartphone is based on a modified version of the Google Nexus 5 running Android OS and features head tracking technology.


The Sesame Phone is made possible by the owners of Sesame Enable which have managed to integrate their technology into this smartphone to suit people who cannot move or those with slight movement issues. Thus they will be able to us their smartphones by just moving their head or using their voice.

The smartphone can currently be used by people with Cerebral Palsy, Spinal Cord Injuries, Muscular dystrophy, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Arthrithis, multiple sclerosis and more.


The device currently costs $1000; the company had made the project available on Indiegogo campaign and they have already raised the necessary funds for the project through the source funding platform.

The Sesame Phone would do virtually anything any touch enabled smartphone would do – it can make calls, surf the internet, send messages, play games, access Google play, you can watch videos on youtube, .. name it. All you have to do is say, Open Sesame.

The smartphone is the brain idea of Oded Ben Dov, a game developer and computer expert alongside Livne Giora, a former Isreali Navy commander and electrical power engineer; but has been quadriplegic for Seven years. Both of them teamed up to found Sesame Enable.

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