Luxury Phones Phones

Limited Edition Pink iPhone 6: Alexander Amosu dishes out World’s First Pink iPhone 6

Alexander Amosu is a name associated with luxury and premium; little wonder he just announced the ‘World’s First Pink iPhone 6’ and you guessed right its is not for everybody as only 10 pieces would be available worldwide. To his credit, his company has diamond crested suits, Gold/Diamond crested mobile phones, accessories, exclusive Luxury Champagne, […]


Apple iPhone 6 vs iPhone 6 Plus: Differences and Comparison in Specifications and Features

Starting from the beginning of the year we have been seeing different flagship devices from Recognised companies as well as fast rising chinese OEMs but the list wouldn’t haven’t have been completed with the highly anticipated new smartphones from Apple. Despite different rumours surrounding the release of the iPhone 6, Apple kept mum until September […]