
WindUp – Microsoft announces Own Competitor for Snapchat

Microsoft last week announced a new app – WindUp for Windows phone users. WindUp allows users share temporary messages i.e Videos, texts, video etc to one another for a limited time. Facebook also has an app dubbed Slingshot, a near snapchat competitor.

Since Snapchat is not officially availabe on the company’s WP phone users, the Company is offering an equivalent app. The app apparently has a prank like name; developers claim is a notion of “Winding Up” friend or loved ones as they scramble to see the message before time runs out.

WindUp has been set with a lot of permissions, the app requires certain conditions before it could work on a device. Some of it includes –

    • contacts
    • Phone identity
    • Video and still capture
    • Music library
    • Media playback
    • Microphone
    • Data services
    • Push notification service
    • Movement and directional sensor
    • Web browser component
    • Screen sizes – HD 720p (720 x 1280), WVGA (480 x 800), WXGA (768 x 1280)

WindUp is exclusively available for Windows Phone 8 and Windows Phone 8.1 users only and is available on Windows Phone Store; interested users can download through the link below.

WindUp Download

Many users would easily make the switch to WindUp had there been an iOS or Android version as Snapchat has been in the news for different reason – first the app exposed over 5 million accounts and another FTC ruling that the company has been deceiving users; but It is very unlikely this app would be expanded to other platforms.

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