
World’s First Braille Phone For The Visually Impaired to Go on Sale for N17,000

OwnFone, a London-Based phone maker has announced what it calls the ‘World First Braille Phone’ for the visually impaired. Though other companies have been said to have developed braille phones in the past but OwnFone insists its device is one of a kind.

The front and back panels of the OwnFone Braille phone are made from 3D printing techniques, which allows the device to be easily customised. There is also an option for those who cannot read braille, the company can print raised text on the keypad.

“The phone can be personalised with two or four Braille buttons which are pre-programmed to call friends, family, carers or the emergency services,” Mr Sunderland said

“This is the first phone to have a 3D printed keypad and for people that can’t read Braille, we can print texture and raised text on the phone. Our 3D phone printing process is patent pending.” He continued

The OwnFone Braille phone might be the first commercially available but the idea to create a braille phone is however not a pioneer project as back in 2013 an Indian based created a prototype braille smartphone featuring feedback controls and repressive braille display.

Pricing and Availability
The OwnFone Braille phone is currently retails in the UK for £60 (around N17,000) and available in different colour variants. Also those who wish to buy the device can create a custom design on the company website.

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